“Sovereignty cannot be represented for the same reason that it cannot be alienated; it consists essentially in the general will, and the will does not admit of being represented: either it is the same or it is different; there is no middle ground. The deputies of the people therefore are not and cannot be its representatives, they are merely its agents; they cannot conclude anything definitively. Any law which the People has not ratified in person is null; it is not a law. The English people thinks it is free; it is greatly mistaken, it is free only during the election of Members of Parliament; as soon as they are elected, it is enslaved, it is nothing. The use it makes of its freedom during the brief moments it has it fully warrants its losing it.”
haha I love that picture of Pere Diddy
perhaps in our day, the state does to a large degree reflect the general will, not because it is a product of the general will, but because the general will is a product of the state. This wouldn't deny that any hostility is possible. we've all heard of Frankenstein.
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